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Monday, 22 August 2011


As if being perfectly proportioned, well dressed, rich and born into the greatest TV-family of all time wasn't enough, Kim Kardashian has gone and got married. My mediocre self can barely cope.

But it's fine, I've always preferred Khloe anyway.

Frickin' Cute!

Last night Kermit and Rowlf got together to sing the Rainbow Connection, probably the best song in the world that does not involve Beyoncé.

But what makes this performance even more special is that this is only the second time that Rowlf has spoken since Jim Henson's death in 1990. Rowlf was Jim's favourite character, and after he died the Muppets cast and crew decided they ought to mute him out of respect (they probably didn't use the words 'mute him'), aside from a small speaking part in Muppets Treasure Island. This is only the second time that Rowlf and Kermit have sang together- the first was during the closing scene of the 1979 Muppet Movie.

Not so fun fact: Jim Henson died of 'sleeping pneumonia'- he felt sick, but "didn't want to worry anyone". Whatta guy.